Illustrator Tutorials

This video focused on three main tools: pen tool, pathfinder, and typography. The pen tool at first seemed easy to use but looked like it was something that would be harder to master. It can be used for almost anything and you can always go back and change what you were working on. Pathfinder is used to combine any two shapes, once combined you can change the color and size as the shapes are bonded. Typography was also discussed; it is a very useful tool in Illustrator. It is easy to add text, resize, and change color and font. You can also change the entire look of the text to whatever you want it to be. 

This video focused on the pen tool, pathfinder, shape builder, color panel tool and the clipping mask. The creator of this video, Alice Thorpe, says the pen tool is seems confusing at first and not fluid at first. But once you master the pen tool you can make whatever you please. The pathfinder was also mentioned in this video, and she made it seem like it was easy to use. The shape builder tool is used to draw over the shapes that you want to bond into one shape. The color panel tool was also mentioned which arranges a group of shade and tints of the color. It looks like it is very easy to use. It also makes a color palette for you to use. The last tool that was mentioned was the clipping mask which cuts out what you want to keep like a cookie cutter which also seems on the easier side to use. 

This video focuses on five tools: blend tool, color themes, shape builder, typing on a path tool, and magic wand tool. The blend tool allows you to combine shapes and colors with two shapes to create a new one. This seems like it will be on the easier side to use. The next one mentioned is color themes. The program can create themes for you, or you can create your own and it seems very easy to use. Shape builder is the next tool the video creator talks about. It merges two objects or subtracts objects altogether and this one looks a bit more challenging to use. The typing path tool allows you to add text to a line or shape and looks quite easy to use. The last tool that is talked about is the magic wand tool. It allows you to select an object and pick up the color of said object and you can also adjust the tolerance. 


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