Future Letter To Myself

 Dear Future Self, 

            By the time that you are reading this letter you will have finished college, hopefully have graduated from the University of Tampa. Was it as all you had hoped it to be? Did you stick with your visual arts degree and marketing minor or change it for the third time to something else? I am writing this letter to show you how far you have come in the last 20 years. All the worrying that you do has not gotten you anywhere and I hope that you have finally learned to not worry so much. It is not worth all the stress that it has caused you. Things will always work out in the end, and I hope you have finally learned that. It is okay to worry/be concerned sometimes but it is not needed to be worrying all the time. The biggest problem you had especially as a teenager was caring what everyone thought of you, and it truly got the best of you. A lot of people care what people think of them, but I hope at this point you have learned to just not care anymore and just focus on yourself. The only opinion about yourself is your own. All that you need to worry about is enjoying your life and making the best of it. I hope that you never let anyone change your core values or beliefs. You were affected by other people so much in your opinions in order to fit in. I hope that you have learned to embrace who you really are and who/what you believe in.  You are truly an amazing and have so many pure beliefs and values. Please do not let anyone influence you anymore. Lastly, you need to do what makes YOU happy. Instead of worrying about people may think, I hope that you have learned to make choices that make you happy. You are the only person that matters. You are the only person that matters. By this point in your life you may be married or have a family, but to make others happy, happiness has to start with you. So instead of majoring in what your parents want you to do what you want to do. You deserve to be happy!!



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