#0 Blog Post

 My name is Emily Berkowitz and I am from Connecticut. I really enjoy horror/thriller movies especially the Annabelle movies because the museum with the real Annabelle doll is in my town, about five minutes from where I live. I listen to all types of music but I listen to a lot of country and rap music. My favorite music artist is definitely Post Malone.  I also enjoy being in the kitchen cooking and baking. 

I am excited for this class because I want to learn more about the Adobe suite, especially Photoshop because I am a freelance photographer. I have been doing photography for about 5 1/2 years and started my business at the beginning of my senior year on high school. My favorite photographer by far is Peter McKinnon who I have learned a lot from. I. have also sold multiple copies of one of prints through a local cafe near my house. Lastly, I am very active as I play ice hockey and field hockey and I also go to the gym most days of the week. 


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